Hello, I'm Chad Edge
I'm a director of engineering living in Los Angeles, CA

Since 1997 I've provided assistance, programming and advice to many companies in the capacity of a software developer, project lead, systems analyst and manager. My work has contributed to awards, market increase and continuing value long after my departure.

Personal Info

Van Nuys, CA

(206) 334-0162
[email protected]

I’m certainly “adapt process that works” over strict Agile, a stickler for clear requirements and “stories” and an avid “make it reusable” junkie.

If delivering top projects, on time and exceeding goals are factors you’re looking for, we should talk.

Currently: 85% project and team management, 15% project development. As the director of a diverse team within Paramount (CMV), I have the responsibility to mentor my developers/ QA/DevOps/Project, protect them from interruption and foster an environment of productivity and measurable success.

From SAFe to Specification by example to Agile-ish, I've worked with all tools and still rely on storytelling (if we can't explain it in a 3x5 or post-it, the team has missed something) in order to deliver highly-functional and lean results.

When not improving project definitions and workflows, I enjoy stand-up comedy and traveling back to my home of Seattle, Washington. I’m not the stereotypic “coffee snob” but it’s very rare to see me without a cup of coffee in my hand.

Professional Services

I am the director of engineering for a dynamic, global media and broadcast company. While I am still quite capable of getting my hands dirty with many platforms and languages, I'm best suited for solving those hard to manage problems and tasks that seem to always pop-up.

I have written the software development lifecycle guide for a previous employer, been ScrumMaster certified more times than I can count, and will spring up usable solutions in my spare time just to make life easier.

  • Agile, Scrum, Kanban, SDLC
  • Microservice architecture and implementation
  • Drupal/WP/Laravel, especially shared codebase solutions
  • “Dockerizing” (migration of large sites to K8’s over AWS)
  • Amazon AWS (S3, RDS, EC2, Lambda, etc)
  • Mac server and desktop administration
  • Responsive design
  • Project scope and use case
  • RESTful services
  • LAMP stack (PHP, Mysql, Apache, Nginx)
  • Graphic design suites
  • Video production suites
  • Streaming and CDN delivery
  • Technical editing
  • Linux terminal / Shell scripting
  • MVC development
  • ColdFusion
  • .Net and MSSQL
  • iOS development
  • Ruby and Rails
  • Catalog graphic design
  • AfterEffects for broadcast

Get in touch

I’m currently looking for new opportunities - while Paramount presented the type of workplace and drive that one could build a career from, the recent restructuring has left me looking for the next great group of teams in which to work.

I'm always up to enterain a conversation (especially if there's coffee involved).